Searching for clarity

As the saying goes, everything happens for a reason. The problem is not the fact that it happened but why.Why me? why this?why now? It’s noy easy coping with the reality of the circumstances at hand, especially if it’s a road block

The common solution is searching for answers or looking for the underlying meaning of what brought you to this point in your life

It’s not a bad thing to want answers, but do understand placing your energy in what has been put behìnd you(for a reason) is not going to give you the proper momentum to move forward

The best thing to do when you’re in a space of question and uncertainty is to focus on the NOW, not the WHY .Allow yourself the power to be present enough to know you are in this place for a reason to better you

Be mindful of where your energy is placed, and train your mind and spirit to let things be as they are. Move with caution and let the answers reveal themselves naturally along the line

You’ll be surprised what you find when you stop looking for it

Published by joannn ♈


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