
May the coming year be a fabric woven with threads of redemption, renewal, and abundant blessings. As we step into the unknown, let us lean on each other with kindness and extend the grace that has been lavished upon us from above.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed New Year, where the light of His love shines brightly upon us all.

With Love,
-Joannnn N misonge


The best gift a man can provide for his woman is a safe space to feel provision that doesn’t start and stop with money ,his own connection to God a capacity to hold space for emotions and spiritual healing journey. When a man is deeply connected to the God within him, his woman can feel safe enough to embody the goddess within her

The best feeling in a union with a foundation of God and intentional healing is that there are no masks.Healing and God are priority before the relationships, and each individual honours their souls’ individual mission to heal grow and evolve


Dont be selfish .if you don’t love her hair, curls at the end of her nose wrinkles when she laughs, then let her go.If you don’t see her as a fucking masterpiece then let her go because someone else will .Do not be selfish if you don’t love the way she sneezes or the way she dribbles the tootpaste down her chin when she brushes her teeth, then let her go .If your heart doesn’t almost beat out of your chest when you wake up and the first thing you see is her soundly sleeping on your shoulder, someone else would kill for that .Being with someone when you know you don’t love them is cruel .It’s not only cruel it’s holding them back from someone that could give them everything. Someone who feels waves break. in their ribcage when they see her walk around the corner .someone who has had the worst of days, but rainbows suddenly appear at the thought of her.Someone who hears the sound of her voice, and it soothes the darkest nightmare if that is not you let her go

She is wonder , she is magic, she deserves someone who believes that every single day not just certain days

Searching for clarity

As the saying goes, everything happens for a reason. The problem is not the fact that it happened but why.Why me? why this?why now? It’s noy easy coping with the reality of the circumstances at hand, especially if it’s a road block

The common solution is searching for answers or looking for the underlying meaning of what brought you to this point in your life

It’s not a bad thing to want answers, but do understand placing your energy in what has been put behìnd you(for a reason) is not going to give you the proper momentum to move forward

The best thing to do when you’re in a space of question and uncertainty is to focus on the NOW, not the WHY .Allow yourself the power to be present enough to know you are in this place for a reason to better you

Be mindful of where your energy is placed, and train your mind and spirit to let things be as they are. Move with caution and let the answers reveal themselves naturally along the line

You’ll be surprised what you find when you stop looking for it

Wake up call

If you inherently long for something, become it first if you want gardens become the gardener. If you want love embody love if you want mental stimulation change the conversation if you want peace exude calmness if you want to fill your world with artists begin to paint if you want to be valued respect your own time. If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. This is how to draw it in day by day inch by inch


Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognise that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we feel depressed. It would never occur to us that we were, in fact, in the process of changing actually becoming larger spiritually than we were before. Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it as a young seed must feel weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out its shell on its way to becoming a plant

Often, the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath unsure about what the next step would be,eventually become the periods we wait for , for it is in those periods that we realise that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that in all probability a new level of personality is about to be revealed

Shade of balance

Some people deserve your eyes if they need them, and some people dont deserve a look from your eyes .But life isn’t about what people deserve. Life is not fair. Be honest with yourself

Half the time, you probably don’t give yourself what you deserve. You allow yourself to extend your hand before your mind can tell you .Be careful whose hand you’re holding. You say yes, knowing that soon you will wish you said no.You walk down a path without knowing that you can come back.You even believe in others ability to make you feel better more than your own ability to do so, so before you expect others to be fair with you be fair to yourself .

Before you get disappointed that people didn’t give you what you think you deserve. Give yourself what you deserve those who tell you that it’s a rich mans world. Know that they are talking about it.It’s not about the money but the degree to which you think of yourself. Do not confuse taking care of yourself ,yourself worth and self-esteem with selfishness and egocentrism or being stuck up .It’s not black or white.

Create the shade of balance between the care you give and which you receive that is perfect for you


Life is unpredictable. We never know when it will end .We never know when we have the last chance to do some tasks when we have the last chance to confess something to a person.I know there are fears .Fears which make you afraid and shiver. I know you think you can’t do it, or maybe you dont want to do it because of your fears, but you have a chance to do it .Life gives you chances to do it again and again, and your fear stops you from doing it.

I know it seems impossible, but it actually is not,just think of what if .What if talking to the person makes your days brighter? What if paragliding makes you confident enough against your fear of heights. What if it changes you?think again, because in the end, we regret the chances we never took

You are the price👑

Please stop comparing yourself .Stop trying to find answers .stop torturing yourself. Stop letting what others say get to you. Stop looking at them and then yourself and wishing you had something different. Stop wishing you have what yhey have,most likely, they want what you have .stop trying to change your style,the way you dress. Stop trying to be like them.Be original

Be the girl who everyone wants to be and tell them that they need to love themselves. Every girl wants to be like a girl who loves themselves. Self love is vital you can not be happy without it , delete everything with their face on it delete anything that involves them.Delete everything that reminds you of them look in the mirror amd start loving yourself forgive yourself for what you didn’t known.You’ve got something that they dont

Overthinking steals you away from the moment that you’re in. It steals a memory away that could have been made to last a life time.It steals away an opportunity to be happy .Relieve yourself of the bondages on your mind that are a constant cycle of self-doubt and self-criticism. You don’t have to be trapped anymore. You can change, but do not change to be a copy of someone else change to be a better version of yourself.

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